Several months ago we purchased an in ground fence for our three eldest children. We decided that before the baby came that we needed to clear out the house a little and make some space for a REAL child :). I think this is the best investment we've made yet! We love it, but most of all THEY love it. However, the ever so mischievous puppies are always up to something...
This is what a normal day looks like.
Our hardest working and most dedicated dog is hard at work. She is on a mission... determined all on her own, influenced by Doodle (the blur in this picture).
Doodle (I'm sure) has detected something beneath the surface. Knowing that Bailey will dig it up faster, and not stop until the task is complete, she let Bailey in on what it was and where to find it.
So, Bailey is now fixated on the rodent, or whatever is burrowed in the ground.
And she IS fast!!
Making sure she is on the right track still...
She's good at what she does... unfortunately.

The ring leader is always looking around for the next adventure. She has special powers... one of them is walking on a balance beam (or a wall).
The ring leader is always looking around for the next adventure. She has special powers... one of them is walking on a balance beam (or a wall).
Except the dirty face you always greet us with... it's a dead give away!
Not too fast buddy... you don't look too innocent yourself!
He has a dirty face himself... if you couldn't see it.
This is Otis, he has many gifts himself..... stay tuned and you will see!
They make me laugh!
lol...was wondering when we would be seeing those crazy doggies! I can just see them now! Cute post! Love and hugs!