Tuesday, November 16, 2010

little monster...

Our little monster...

Even though we are almost a month past Halloween, I wanted to share our little monster with everyone.
He's just too cute not to!

For Halloween we went to a party next door.
Mama threw the party and the little monster and his family went.

There was a fire and good food to eat.

There were several dressed for the occasion.
Some a little fancy, a little scary...

a little funny...

a little CRAZY...

and a few little cuties!!

Emma, Owen's second cousin.

And Elijah, Owen's cousin.

The day after Halloween Owen had his first UPS delivery.
Grammy and Poppy sent him a Trick or Treat bag!! I think he liked it!

We had a fun first Halloween as a family, with family!

Happy Halloween... or fall... or almost Thanksgiving.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

grant's farm (finally)...

Well, I am finally posting the second part of "Family Fun".
Back in October when my sister and her fun family came to visit us, we also took a trip to Grants Farm, home of the Budweiser Clydesdale's!
This was totally up our ally! We are horse people, but it was a little bitter-sweet for Chad and I. It made us miss our Cooper! None-the-less, we had a great time visiting all the animals at the farm. Especially the Clydesdale's!

This big boy was friendly to us...

we took turns getting to know him. We liked him!

Another BIG boy! Love those GIANT feet!!

The sister and her fun family.

Sweet boys...

silly goats...

the goat whisperer :).
I didn't have food for them, so they ate my hair!

Owen took in all the action... as always, trooper!

Welcome to a 3 year old's world... la la land... land of trouble... :)
Parker has left her family and has a plan... not sure that it worked out for her.

OHHH... what a very frightful experience.
I did scream right after this picture was taken.

hmmm... seems like someone's scared!
Mind you, this is the guy who told me to get up close to take a picture. Something is wrong here.

Us, as we were leaving the farm.

On our way home we stopped for some pumpkins. Once we were home the boy's carved them.


Before our time together was over we got the cousins together for a photo op...



We miss you Mershawn's!